Micke Grove Zoo

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Waldrapp Ibis
Geronticus eremita

  • Habitat: open dry areas, coastlines, cliff ledges
  • Range: Southern Morocco, Syria, North Africa
  • Natural Diet: Insects, small reptiles, worms
  • Status In The Wild: THREATENED


Fun Facts

  • The waldrapp or northern bald ibis is considered sacred in Egypt. Their image appears in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and tomb art.

  • The long, thin beak is used to probe mud for small prey and depends on its sense of touch

  •  They are communal nesters. Being highly social, they are known to live in large flocks.

  • They practice biparental care with both parents participating in brooding eggs and rearing young

  • Their wild populations are declining at a rapid rate due to loss of habitat, illegal hunting, posioning due to pesticide use, and climate change.


Conservation Threats

Threats are having an effect on different populations:
1.Morocco: Urbanization and farming
2.Syria: Hunting, overgrazing, collection of firewood
3.Turkey: Poisoning and pesticide utilization



Adult waldrapp ibises have long curved beaks

(Photo courtesy: Findley Photography)




Distributional range - Waldrapp ibis populations are scattered across Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Ethopia, and Syria