Micke Grove Zoo

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Conservation Partners

One of Micke Grove Zoo ‘s objectives is to contribute to the conservation of threatened wildlife, both exotic and native. Towards that end, the zoo has established working relationships with other non-profit organizations, government agencies, zoos, and individuals to gain information and advice.

For example, the zoo connected with the relevant organizations when planning and establishing the pollinator garden for Monarch conservation. This is one of the zoo’s insitu conservation efforts to create breeding and feeding stations for the endangered monarch butterfly and threatened Californian bumblebees.

Micke Grove Zoo contributes to Gorilla conservation by helping raise funds through the collection and recycling of old cell phones for AZA’s (Association of Zoos and Aquariums) Gorilla SAFE (Save Animals From Extinction) program. This program helps protect the Cross River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla ssp. diehli) populations in Cameroon and Nigeria and the Grauer's gorilla (Gorilla beringei ssp. graueri) populations in the Democratic Republic of Congo from extinction.

Micke Grove Zoo tapped into the Xerces Society’s comprehensive reports on bumblebees with extensive details on their natural history, conservation status, and their food sources (the wildflowers they depend on). Zoo staff heavily relied on these reports while selecting native plants for the pollinator garden.

Micke Grove Zoo relied on information from Monarch Watch while working on monarch conservation projects. Monarch Watch maintains comprehensive research and information on monarch butterflies, including their natural history, biology, and migration patterns. The zoo also received free milkweeds in 2024 from Monarch Watch’s Free Milkweeds for Restoration program.

Zoo staff heavily depend on Calscape and Las Pilitas Nursery for in-depth information on California’s native plant species for the Monarch WayStation and pollinator gardens. While Calscape maintains a detailed database on California’s native flora, the Las Pilitas native nursery has the largest collection of California native plants that supplied the pollinator gardens. The Las Pilitas nursery and Calscape also maintain large resource bases that helped educate zoo staff on irrigation, cold and light tolerance, soil drainage and specialised care for these plants

AZA promotes information sharing through NotAPet.net regarding wildlife in pet trade. This website shares several pieces of information to discourage wildlife in pet trade offering local community, institutions, zoos, and universities an opportunity to take a pledge against wildlife in pet trade. Micke Grove Zoo supports this vision and will help share information by joining this endeavor.


Micke Grove Zoo is a member of the of the California Oak Coalition and receives advice and information from the California Oaks Foundation and several other institutions in the conservation and propagation of the endangered California Valley Oaks.