Micke Grove Zoo

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Volunteer at Micke Grove Zoo!

Conservation Research Volunteers

Conservation Research Volunteers (CRVs) are trained to conduct behavioral research on the animal residents of MGZ. The research will help answer important questions aimed at improving the health and welfare of the zoo animals.

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Monarch Way-station Assistants
Monarch Way-station Assistants are trained to plant native wildflowers in the pollinator garden to help create breeding and feeding stations for the migrating monarch butterflies that are a keystone pollinator species here in California.

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Zoo Records Assistant
Zoo Records Assistants are trained to organize and maintain animal related records including animal husbandry, animal health, and zoo plant data. Volunteers will be trained to use sophisticated software programs such as ZIMS (Zoological Information Management System) and the plant mapping tool, Hortis

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Animal Ambassador Education Volunteers
Animal Ambassador and Education Volunteers are trained to assist Education staff to present zoo animal information to school students and the local community at events and gatherings, career fairs, and exhibitions.

Click here for more on this position